Comments received on poems by ichivwi

Out of love
L. B. Mek said:

\'... sometimes, it feels like
we accumulate a lifetime\'s
buckets of tears and regrets
for a mere sip, of love\'s gifts...\'
dear broken hearted
I lack the wisdom
to offer you words of solace
yet, I\'ll share
what I have come to understand
after patching back together
my shattered heart, once or twice
we must learn to love
as we do, offer someone a helping hand
without expecting anything, in return
let the very act of love, be enough
that it once gave our days, meaning
that it once, offered us an umbrella
from that downpour strife of life
that it once, offered us a glimpse
of what we hope for and strive towards
let that be enough
trick is to keep our chapters turning
let the main characters come and go
or stay, whatever fate may say
all we need do, is lick our cut fingers
and still find, the will
to turn the page, and believe
we too will be awarded a happy ending
worthy, of any best selling romance
be it tragedy or comedy...
stay strong!

December 19th, 2022 05:17