Comments received on poems by sandyk1

Yorke said:

I think the writing and documenting of life in general is a powerful tool for all, many people would benefit by confronting themselves head on in writing, well done and well said!

November 27th, 2015 13:46

sandyk1 said:

Dear justwrite, I'm excited to read your poem! Let me know when you have posted it!

November 27th, 2015 12:56

justwrite said:

Wow, you describe it well!.
Depression is sadly one of those things that, indeed people really can't understand unless they suffer from it! And it affects so many. There are no obvious outward symptoms but that Godforsaken terror you feel from within is like u say, debilitating!
Good news is, there is a way out.
I will dedicate my next poem to yours with a more positive twist, i hope u like, and hope u feel better soon.x

November 27th, 2015 06:04