Comments received on poems by OMONDI ORONY

\"A Quiet Fer​ˈ​Wel, Roese\"
Emily Kambe said:

\"She was fierce and gentle\"
Very nice and captivating piece of art. Thank you for this.

April 16th, 2024 12:49

\"A Quiet Fer​ˈ​Wel, Roese\"
jarcher54 said:

I also ran across your music... I am intrigued. I listen to lots of African music, from very traditional like griot to hip hop and Afrobeat. What website do you suggest if I want to buy a download of your stuff? And where is the best place to read more of your poems? I have some friends in Nairobi and Gilgil and am helping my friend in Gilgil build a house there. I really want to visit sometime in the next few years. Such a beautiful complex nation!

January 15th, 2024 01:08

\"A Quiet Fer​ˈ​Wel, Roese\"
jarcher54 said:

Your ponderings on your sister are beautiful, courageous, and haunting. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. Very vulnerable of you.

January 14th, 2024 22:39