Comments received on poems by Juliet_ Apricus

My Inner Workings
LIZ said:

I felt....every single word! I was actually inhaling and exhaling with you. I\'ve asked myself these questions before. What I found is...there is nothing to \"change\", not for someone else; especially physically. I started being myself, transparent, intentional, and embraced who I am. I! Now, this is a process and we all have those tough days, day at a time, one emotion at a time! Thank you for sharing!

June 16th, 2023 08:26

Dreadful Truth
L. B. Mek said:

or maybe you\'re just another
fallible person, learning - growing
making mistakes
and blessing those by your side
with your presence..
and inking a few relatable poems
along the way..
thanks for sharing

June 16th, 2023 04:02