Comments received on poems by twistedmind97

It rained the day you left
GeekSusie said:

I was deeply touched by your poem. I felt like I was right there with the narrator, experiencing the relentless downpour of misery you so vividly described. The statement \"It rained the day you left\" reverberated like a sad refrain, reflecting the enduring bond and love that perseveres through profound grief and abandonment.

Beautiful yet terrible, your depiction of love and loss captures the intricacies of human emotion and the unrelenting hold of memories. It was like dancing in the rain, when each drop represents a moment frozen in time, a touch that lingered, or a grin that refused to fade away.

Your contribution of such a heartfelt piece is greatly appreciated. It\'s a sobering reminder of the fleeting nature of life and love, and a call to cherish every moment spent with those we care about. Rain may come out of nowhere and bring change and sometimes grief; this felt like a personal message to embrace the now.

September 13th, 2023 16:44

It rained the day you left
Pop64 said:

Such a sad excerpt presumably of your life. I felt like an intruder reading your journal and as well felt and still feel sad for you. I hope time will heal you. I know writing can, so keep it up and forever, best wishes for you.

September 13th, 2023 13:22