Comments received on poems by Tritiummetallium

Forged in Pain: Steel’s Eternal Lament
Soman Ragavan said:

My comments on the poem \"Forged in pain : steel’s eternal lament” by Tritiummetallium
As is typical of poets, you have put yourself in the place of steel and recounted its life, the processes it goes through. It is already assaulted by the forces of nature from the place it lives, in the entrails of the earth. That is not enough. Man will extract it, melt it in infernal temperatures, churn it out into bars or whatever. It will be melted again to produce tools or implements, even structures like ships. Man domesticates or exploits everything and every living thing around him. The world, the depths of the oceans --– even the space out there --- is for him to dominate and exploit. With steel he even produces exquisite, shining jewellery with which to adorn himself. Even scrap steel is not left alone : as you say, it is recycled and returned into a state of bondage. Even more spectacular is what man makes out of gold. Soman Ragavan. 13 March, 2024.

March 12th, 2024 19:53