Comments received on poems by Leni Marlina

Do Not Entice Us with Your World
ifamahdyyah said:

This poem contrasts the pursuit of material allure with the contentment found in simplicity and gratitude, emphasizing a choice between fleeting glamour and enduring peace. The speaker rejects temptation, valuing serene satisfaction over the deceptive promises of grandeur.

August 26th, 2024 22:54

Do Not Entice Us with Your World
nairafadna said:

This poem gives us the meaning of life. The joy, the glory, and the happiness from life that we seek in constant that lead us to disappoinment, while we can get them in simple way.

August 26th, 2024 11:47

Do Not Entice Us with Your World
nuril said:

I have got some motivation from this poem, its finding happiness in what you already have instead of constantly chasing after more. It says that true peace comes from appreciating the simple things in life, rather than being distracted by the endless pursuit of material things. We should always be grateful for our life

August 25th, 2024 03:52

Do Not Entice Us with Your World
Norick Gading said:

This poem tells me to think about how important life is and also conveys that happiness can be found anywhere easily.

August 25th, 2024 03:48

Do Not Entice Us with Your World
Dan Williams said:

A paradox; a stern lullaby. Mothers tell this to children at sleepy time. Very nice.

August 24th, 2024 00:07

Do Not Entice Us with Your World
Doggerel Dave said:

A measured poem, rich in detail.
Yes your focus is on the many temptations, ‘the world’s sweet allure, Its dazzling glitter’ which you want all to resist. No problem. For large proportions of the world, its people find it difficult to find enough to eat, shelter or are ravaged by war.

August 23rd, 2024 07:14

Do Not Entice Us with Your World
yusmithafebriana said:

This poem motivates me to appreciate the importance of living a simple life, not needing more than what we have been given. Happiness can be found in everyday life in simpler ways, not in a constant search that leads to disappointment.

August 23rd, 2024 06:02

Do Not Entice Us with Your World
sorenbarrett said:

This poem seems to point a way to happiness that is not worldly as Christianity tells that is harder for a rich man to to to heaven than a camel go through the eye of a needle and Hinduism once one has reached the pinnacle of life to become a sannyasin giving up all one has and becoming a beggar. Very nicely written

August 23rd, 2024 04:51

Do Not Entice Us with Your World
shanaz said:

I have gained some motivation from this poem that true happiness is often found in simple things that are close to us. This poem also serves as a reminder not to be tempted by greed and worldly allure. The last motivation I got from this poem is that it encourages us to choose a wise, more meaningful, and more peaceful path in life. ❤

August 23rd, 2024 04:18