Comments received on poems by serialseductress

living memory
Thoughtless said:

Wow! Dark and deep.

August 19th, 2024 20:17

living memory
sorenbarrett said:

Interesting a thought that many have had. Nice

August 19th, 2024 17:52

strange world that waits and watches
jarcher54 said:

While I was a bit put off by some of the vagueness, the power and sincerity and imagery are striking to me. As Thoughtless suggested, there are many valid readings to your piece. That is much of the beauty and mystery of poetry. I also sensed courage, which is the sine qua non of real art. I feel like I indeed found a little note from a secret admirer! My only suggestion is don\'t be afraid to edit with as much ferocity as you compose. Thanks for sharing!

August 18th, 2024 18:56

strange world that waits and watches
sorenbarrett said:

Time measured by a burnt cigarette a great line. The poem carries a heavy feeling. Nicely done

August 18th, 2024 17:42

strange world that waits and watches
Thoughtless said:

It sounds like the last throws of alcoholism, which can be one of the interpretations. The theme of dying is obvious. What sort is more ambiguous. Food for thought.

August 18th, 2024 16:39