Comments received on poems by LP2187

MR.apocalypse said:

I was just like you when I started writing you should look at some of my earlier work then look at my new stuff that\'s going to be you one day lol ❤️

September 13th, 2024 21:14

NinjaGirl said:

Instead of seeing a murderous psychopath I see someone who had their life flipped upside down and is angry about it. I see someone who wants control again, and who doesn\'t want the things in her head to eat her alive.

September 13th, 2024 16:58

PTSD (2)
Tony36 said:

Great write

September 12th, 2024 12:50

Poetic Dan said:

Wow I\'m nearly 43 and this took me back! It\'s why my 3rd and 4th children are homeschooling and I become a dog behaviourist!

This was such a powerful write on many levels but know that your not a failure when unable to find words to communicate with others who are incoherent! It\'s makes you wise, as you can\'t argue with those that will never listen.
Keep on your path, you\'ll find your strength that\'s always been there. One day you\'ll see all this training is what makes you amazingly you!

Much peace and respect

September 11th, 2024 02:26

Life and Death
Tony36 said:

Great write

September 9th, 2024 13:48

Life and Death
orchidee said:

Death is not good - not usually. Except maybe for an end to painful illness, etc.
Meanwhile, dark humour - me being daft - \'Ooohh, not suicide; it will be bad for your health!\' (heehee). And so will my corny jokes.

September 9th, 2024 13:04

Life and Death
NinjaGirl said:

what did you do to deserve death?

September 9th, 2024 12:04

Cheeky Missy said:

Mean, nasty classmates! This is beautifully rendered with tasteful rhyming and a haunting poignancy. I frankly don\'t know what my purpose is but hope I\'m not naughty for trying to have fun. Thank you very much for sharing. On the hand the scriptures do declare something along the lines of, \"...Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.\" (Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14)

September 8th, 2024 19:15

Neilton said:

I believe we all have a purpose in this world! It might be early to find yours but you certainly have you\'ll see it when you least expect it. But you have to look for it and be open to new ideas and other opinions ! For me it was God and how he helped me those dark days ! Great poem with a deep meaning!!!

September 8th, 2024 04:23

An Ideal World
Dan Williams said:

Where is this place?

September 8th, 2024 00:51

Dan Williams said:

You sound like someone in real distress. I was, for years, a wonderful lady therapist saved me. Ask for help!

September 8th, 2024 00:48

An Ideal World
Takumi Usui said:

Everyone that was blessed with the gift of life deserves to live. Although we\'re sinful, boastful and pieces of sht, Jesus still loves us. Its a Good poem LP2187, To bad the world you described in your poem isn\'t reality.

September 7th, 2024 20:09

An Ideal World
Tony36 said:

Great write

September 7th, 2024 09:18

rebellion_in_sanity said:

I don\'t have PTSD. But a good poem gets into the bloodstream. I felt like being present in the room - my formless body watching, trying to reach out and comfort the person. Loved it

September 7th, 2024 04:43

An Ideal World
rebellion_in_sanity said:

It filled me with positivity. Reminded me of how I used to be in the past. Perhaps, someday I will revert to my former self. Thank you for sharing

September 7th, 2024 04:33

NinjaGirl said:

Hi there
I have ptsd and this is what it feels like. I also for a while thought I had it before I was diagnosed. One of the scariest things I did was to do something about it.
The healing journey is long--and hard. Full of bad days and good days. Thanks for this poem about it.
I\'m proud of you for finding your words.

September 6th, 2024 17:56

Tony36 said:

Excellent write

September 6th, 2024 12:14

Without You
Tony36 said:

Awesome write

September 3rd, 2024 15:12