Messages on walls by Julian Yanover

  • On the wall of mickWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 4th, 2010
  • On the wall of MagDahliaWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 3rd, 2010
  • On the wall of dmitch2Welcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 3rd, 2010
  • On the wall of nroysteWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 3rd, 2010
  • On the wall of nroysterWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 3rd, 2010
  • On the wall of G-LAZYWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 3rd, 2010
  • On the wall of love of flowersWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 3rd, 2010
  • On the wall of mhluwib2Welcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 2nd, 2010
  • On the wall of Destinee1996Welcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 2nd, 2010
  • On the wall of jana_guardado91Welcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 2nd, 2010
  • On the wall of finalheroWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 2nd, 2010
  • On the wall of PhindiWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 2nd, 2010
  • On the wall of raylubWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 2nd, 2010
  • On the wall of bluebellWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 2nd, 2010
  • On the wall of mattyroweWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 1st, 2010
  • On the wall of cookieWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 1st, 2010
  • On the wall of yochrisWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 1st, 2010
  • On the wall of BeccaWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 1st, 2010
  • On the wall of nettles11Welcome to Poems and Poetry!
    December 1st, 2010
  • On the wall of penolineWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    November 30th, 2010
  • On the wall of AnkitaWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    November 29th, 2010
  • On the wall of MOHAMMED MESSENGERSWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    November 28th, 2010
  • On the wall of mcekayWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    November 28th, 2010
  • On the wall of becksWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    November 27th, 2010
  • On the wall of absentwrytaWelcome to Poems and Poetry!
    November 27th, 2010

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