Wall by lulu

  • nair36

    Hey Lulu everything's kool with me and Cynthia. We had some problems but we worked through them. I'm working on a book. I'm no author but I always wanted to write about the life in a grouphome. So yeah everything's kool and I'm doing better. I just hope I stay that way. Glad to hear you're doing well.

      • lulu

        Glad to hear from u & ur Cynthia πŸ™‚
        Niiiiiiice , a book is it going to be for the family and friends or to others too ?!
        Btw I would love to read it if that is possible that I could have a copy to read πŸ™‚
        I wish u all the best and be always like u r now happy and good πŸ™‚

      • nair36

        Hi Lulu, It's been a while since we last chatted. I hope you are doing good. I've been doing alright. Just wanted to check on you and see how you are doing.
        PS: Hi

          • lulu

            Am doing fine thank god , but what about you?? its been a while maybe because of exams and school btw how is ur girlfriend πŸ™‚
            hope everything is fine and good πŸ™‚

          • nair36

            hey lulu,
            long time no talk... how r u?

              • lulu

                Well am fine what about you?!! I would like to talk to u soon πŸ™‚
                Coz I have just started school on 6/9 what about u?!!

                • nair36

                  started school a few weeks ago and i think i'm doing okay πŸ™‚ i hope school 4 u is going good.

                  • lulu

                    well it's fine but i guess it's a little bit hard this year....just hope it wont be that hard :/btw i just saw someone out there i mean at school who looks just like u....:) πŸ˜€

                  • nair36

                    hey lulu, how have u been?

                      • lulu

                        well am fine & taday was a rainy day here in the UK πŸ˜€ what about you?!! πŸ™‚

                        • nair36

                          hot day here, im out of school for a week

                          • lulu

                            why what happend !!!!

                            • nair36

                              summer school is out, then im gonna take some poetry classes when i go back

                              • lulu

                                oooh poetry classes r coool ... then dont 4get 2 have fun there every single minute πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚

                                • nair36

                                  ill b sure to remember that πŸ™‚

                                  • nair36

                                    that poem u just posted was very deep, have u been feeling like this 4 a while?

                                    • lulu

                                      πŸ˜€ well tell me when does the school start in the US ?!! πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚

                                      • nair36

                                        next week for me, and august 30th for others

                                        • lulu

                                          actually i wrote this poem last 2 days @ night everyone was sleeping & i just felt so lonely & bored of this life & i've been feeling this way 4 a while

                                          cool we're gonna start @ 6-9-2010 πŸ˜€

                                          • nair36

                                            well if u feel lonely theres people like me and others on this site that know how u feel. i know im not one to talk but life gets better

                                            • lulu

                                              yah what shall we do !!!! we having nothin 2 do just 2 know that there is hope in everything πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚

                                              • nair36

                                                true:) just 16 more days and im 17 πŸ™‚

                                                • lulu

                                                  wow, cool, happy birthday man !!!! lol no really happy birthday have fun that day πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

                                                  • nair36

                                                    thanx i will. i gotta go now to get grocerries. it was nice talking 2 u again. ill message u soon

                                                    • lulu

                                                      ok .. same thing here πŸ˜€

                                                      • nair36


                                                      • lulu


                                                        • nair36

                                                          This is my special birthday poem to you
                                                          For being a special friend so honest and true
                                                          You’re an amazing girl who’s caring and kind
                                                          So it’s your personal day to relax your mind
                                                          Have fun with your family and your friends
                                                          Party all day until the sun fades and ends
                                                          The message I am trying to send you and say
                                                          Is too have the greatest time on your birthday
                                                          Everything I say I truly mean
                                                          So enjoy your sweet sixteen

                                                            • lulu

                                                              oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh it's so so amazing poem GOD !!!!!!!! u made cry , u r really a true friend & i just cant say anything am soo soo happy πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚ <3

                                                            • lulu

                                                              i hope someone would write me a poem 4 my sweet 16 birthday πŸ™‚ any one just 2 keep it in the happy memories & the best things i have ever had in me life πŸ™‚

                                                              • nair36

                                                                Hi Lulu,
                                                                thank you for your comments and for becomming my first friend on this site. I enjoy reading your poem too. It was real. thanks again.

                                                                  • lulu

                                                                    am happy too to be ur first friend in this site πŸ˜€

                                                                  • Julian Yanover

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