Wall by Fay Slimm.

  • Caring dove

    hi fay , i have started a fusion poem , would love for you to add a stanza 🙂

      • Caring dove

        thanks for adding a stanza to my fusion poem , fay 🙂 x

      • Fay Slimm.

        Hi Kat, How kind of you to message me with such well wishes and thank you especially as you have been unwell yourself lately - - do hope that flue leaves you soon and to answer your enquirly although I have been down with a bad cold in this wet wintery weather here I have also been catching up on orders for my craftwork and the days have been flying by - in fact I have decided to post a little less frequently for a while but will try to look in a have a read when I can. Sending you comforting hugs and warm wishes to get well soon - your project in Fern Wood will be underway no doubt as soon as the weather eases.......... do keep us up to date with the progress and take care my lovely friend.

        • Fay Slimm.

          Ooooh what an unpleasant surprise to get struck by a humming-bird - - I should be taken aback too Edward but if she was anxious to teach her nestlings to fly before time moved them on perhaps she can be excused eh ? Such very small eggs to produce that colourful beauty - -hope your investigation of the nest provided a few remnants of shells etc. Looking forward to seeing the nest in question when you get chance to post it on the site. Thank you for bringing me up to date on your adventure with Mother's feathered back garden treasures.

          • Edward Charles McDevitt

            Hey Fay! Since I've been here at my Mother's, I have found that she has hummingbirds nesting in a Tiki-Hut bird house! Imagine that! There are babies and, when researched, they don't stay for long! I'm hoping to get a little video in to share. Thanks for all the comments and the reads as well. You are a kind and generous person and I appreciate your friendship!!!

              • Fay Slimm.

                Hi Edward, - - How lovely to get your message about the hummingbirds nesting - - Wow what a gorgeous video it would make to see the babies and if you get lucky and are able to make one do post it on site if you can - living in Cornwall U.K. a land where humming birds are never seen would be my delight to view those in your Mother's garden. Keep that ink flowing my friend - - expressing through words nature's gifts seen around our doorsteps enlightens and educates readers worldwide. Thank you for your time in reading and commenting my poetic efforts.

                • Edward Charles McDevitt

                  Thank you, Fay! I hate to report but, Friday morning the Mother actually dove at me and struck me in the face! Never doing that before, I was quite taken aback.. Come to find out, it seems she was teaching her young how to fly. Lo and Behold, yesterday morning they were gone! Disappointed as I am, I'm anxious to retrieve their nest as they are so unique! I researched and they do not return to that paarticular nest, but move on. The eggs of a Hummingbird are the size of Navy beans and hopefully, there will be remnants of the shell when I take the nest down. Good write on the last one.. I'll post the nest on here when I get it and share it with you, my Dear friend!

                • Edward Charles McDevitt

                  Wow Fay! I had no idea just how talented you are! Not only poetry, but stories as well. I think I really can learn from you. You are a very talented person and I truly enjoy your writes! Thanks for sharing!!!

                  • Fay Slimm.

                    I would be delighted to do that dear Kathy but am so far not familiar with this fusion procedure - perhaps you can let me know what is required and where to post - - I know and admire the work of Augustus.

                    • Pintu Mahakul

                      Review about FAY SLIMM

                      Fay Slimm is an ageless outstanding multi-talented international poetess from Cornwall, United Kingdom who writes very deep from her mind and heart and many of her poems carry deep philosophy about life, nature, wildlife, social traditions, love, spirituality and God. Religious rituals are also sometimes reflected in her poems. I have read many of her poems and briefly reviewed them going very deep to the essence of poems. Since 2008 to 2016 till date I know her very well through her poems and literary ability. I am really amazed finding depth of spirituality and philosophy in her many poems. Her poems are definitely gems of the world poetic society and she dazzles with gifted boon and fortune. Instead of busy life with family and grandchildren still she finds time for literary service. This is definitely highly appreciable. She is very caring, loving and kind-hearted poetess. She is a legend and shining star in this poetic world. She has written more than two thousand poems. Her excellence of poetic ability is well marked from the noteworthy works (poems) like, “A Day in the life of a child, My daily delight, Furry friends, Golden friendship, Gateway of silence, Autumn comes running, A tribute to love, Child’s E-mail to God, A meeting of souls, Being loved, A beautiful bonding, Behind the smile, Making Sense, Over my heart, Day’s Eye, Julying Ripeness, Inviting, Tribute to Woman, Waiting, Spring richness, Nothing is lacking, Catching Whispers etc. Her book titled, “Versing Beyondness, ” published in 2015 is very worthy and a master piece of work that carries poems on coastlands, skyscapes, otherness, connectedness, musings, perceptions and lifelines. God may bring unlimited happiness for her and for her family members. Let flowers sprinkle nice fragrance in her each step of life. Always I wish her all the best. (Pintu Mahakul, Odisha, INDIA, Date: 19, September 2016.)
                      Best Wishes from: -
                      Dr. PINTU MAHAKUL (Ph.D.)
                      Indian freelance poet, writer & researcher

                        • Fay Slimm.

                          Thank you so much for this extensive review of my work in the field of poetry dear Pintu - I am overwhelmed by your eloquent tribute and I do really appreciate both time and effort that this review has engendered on your part dear friend. Warm and grateful thoughts to you Pintu and thank you again.

                        • Fay Slimm.

                          Hi Again Julian - I wonder if you can point me to the place where I can begin my Profile and also post my first poem -- I seem a bit lost so far. - thank you again for the welcome

                          • Julian Yanover

                            Welcome to My poetic side!

                              • Fay Slimm.

                                Hi Julian. Thank you for the message of welcome to this friendly site at which I am hoping soon to both read and post poetry. I am looking forward to finding my way around all the opportunities and meanwhile thank you again for the welcome. Greetings and best wishes from Fay.

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