A Legend in the Baking


  • Original language: English
  • Genre: (Romance)
  • Year published: 2024
  • Book file uploaded by: ShaWritesPoetry, on the January 26th, 2025
  • Book file read: 12 times
  • Rating: 0/10

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  • ShaWritesPoetry
    Year read: 2024
    Language: English
    Pages: 336

    I found this book to be profoundly impactful. It conveyed the important lesson that we can often be our own adversaries, preoccupied with hypothetical scenarios and uncertainties. To achieve our desires, it is essential to step outside our comfort zones; this is why many individuals find themselves trapped in a perpetual cycle.

    There are two quotes from August that resonated deeply with me, and I intend to carry them into my daily life, particularly in 2025 and so forth. So I'm giving this book 5 stars for reminding me I that.

    Qoute 1) "No one is unlovable. That doesn't mean love is going to land in your lap. You have to be open to it. You have to be honest. You have to be vulnerable. Being vulnerable is the test I failed for so long. Because I didn't want to get hurt. Because I didn't think anyone could love me for me, so why even risk it? People are just going to hurt you in the end, right? In trying to protect myself, I was hurting myself. I wanted love but was too scared to risk being open and hurt to find it. "

    Qoute 2) "I learned that we can make a difference in this world if we try hard enough and don't give up. If we don't settle for coasting."

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