Introduction to Philosophy for Young People


  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Philosophy
  • Year published: 2013
  • Book file uploaded by: Gary Edward Geraci, on the April 30th, 2017
  • Book file read: 588 times
  • Rating: 10/10

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  • Gary Edward Geraci
    Publisher: Douglas McManaman
    Year of edition: 2013
    Year read: 2013
    Language: English
    Pages: 286
    Price: 15 dollars
    Rating: 10

    Great introductory lesson for those of us with contemporary science or engineering degrees. Graduating from a major public university usually means an education devoid of the liberal arts and humanities courses such as philosophy, theology, fine arts, etc., it was indeed this way for me. To try to speak and understand the more advanced languages of metaphysics, classical theism, philosophy, phenomenology, etc. one must have, at the bare minimum, a crash course on logic, reason, and the basic definitions to philosophical terminology such as Form, Substance, Essence, Accidents - and this book provides just that. Not before reading this book did I fully comprehend the astounding, utterly rational and reasonable concept of transubstantiation that I have witnessed for years as a practicing Catholic. For those whom wish to learn to write about the transcendental realities that uplift souls this is a must have book!

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