- Original language: English
- Genre: Self-help
- Year published: 2012
- Book file uploaded by: vcutler, on the December 21st, 2016
- Book file read: 1068 times
- Rating: 10/10
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Year of edition: 2012
Year read: 2014
Language: English
Pages: 200
Price: 12 dollars
Rating: 10
Great for Euro-Asians like me. I've always been teased and harassed for not being loud and boisterous and out spoken like people born in the US, even though I was born in L.A., CA, I was raised in a Euro-Asian household. I love whom I've become now and it's taken a long time to get where I am today. Susan did an excellent job on this book!
Year of edition: 2012
Year read: 2016
Language: English
Pages: 266
Rating: 10
Very insightful! Really helped me appreciate my quiet, reserved self.