

  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Book file uploaded by: ScarredStars, on the August 31st, 2017
  • Book file read: 742 times
  • Rating: 9.3/10

Users who have read this book:


  • ScarredStars
    Publisher: The Penguin Group
    Year of edition: 1986
    Year read: 2013
    Language: English
    Price: 9 dollars
    Rating: 9

    I love this book. while i didn't start my Redwall adventure with this book, it's still one of my favorites. This book, like the others, are incredibly immersive and you feel like you've been taken to a world full of talking animals where bravery, friendship, and loyalty win over evil. but it also shows that victory doesn't come without a price.
    {this is the american edition, there are European editions, which are the originals}

  • Philip Daniel Cook
    Publisher: Firebird Books
    Year of edition: 2002
    Year read: 2014
    Language: English
    Pages: 351
    Price: 10 dollars
    Rating: 9

    I read this a few times over when I was incarcerated, and in this time I found it to be a grand adventure of heroes and villains. It was a great read every time I picked it up to read it again. I should read it again in 2021 or in the years to come. And you should too!

  • Kinsey Peterson
    Publisher: Ace Books
    Year of edition: 1997
    Year read: 2016
    Language: English
    Pages: 352
    Price: 9 dollars
    Rating: 10

    This is one of my all-time favourite books. I've read most of this series and I just love the world building that Brian Jacques can do. I'm always impressed, even on the 12th read.

    His books have actually been a huge inspiration as I've developed my own writing style.

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