Remembering Babylon


  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Fiction
  • Original title: Remembering Babylon
  • Year published: 1993
  • Book file uploaded by: Seeker, on the February 5th, 2017
  • Book file read: 730 times
  • Rating: 9/10

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  • Seeker
    Publisher: Pantheon
    Year of edition: 1993
    Year read: 2016
    Language: English
    Pages: 200
    Price: 20 dollars
    Rating: 9

    Malouf is extraordinary with his ability to describe the relationship between individuals and their environment though the description might well be a bit surreal. Such is the case with my reading of this novel about a shipwrecked castaway cabin boy named Gemmy found by the aboriginals of Australia. It is also a tale of how the pioneers of the outback settled the lands which later become well known cities such as Brisbane and Sydney. It is a study of the connection between the people and the land and the ungodly hardships they endured. Gemmy as a boy and later a young man is a symbol of the struggle between the white population and the aborigianls to assimilate. I will be thinking about this book for awhile yet.

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