

  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Horror
  • Year published: 1987
  • Book file uploaded by: IDiedLastNight, on the June 1st, 2017
  • Book file read: 630 times
  • Rating: 7/10

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  • IDiedLastNight
    Publisher: Pocket Books
    Year of edition: 1987
    Language: English
    Pages: 538
    Rating: 7

    I read this one about 22 years ago now. I remember being at work waiting to get started and sitting on a stack of pallets. A friend came along and merely tapped my shoulder. I was so immersed in the read that a nearly fell off my stoop in fright.
    In the remote Texas town of Inferno, a creature of evil beyond anything the world has ever encountered descends. He traps the town and ravages the land with grisly executions and horrible mutations . . . until the people rise up in a final, desperate battle.

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