The Rebel


  • Original language: French
  • Genre: Philosophy
  • Original title: L\\\\\\\'Homme révolté
  • Year published: 1951
  • Book file uploaded by: Thomasine Dye, on the May 22nd, 2022
  • Book file read: 198 times
  • Rating: 10/10

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  • Thomasine Dye
    Publisher: Vintage International
    Year of edition: 1992
    Year read: 2021
    Language: English
    Pages: 320
    Price: 10 dollars
    Rating: 10

    Wonderful book; even if you do not care for Camus' philosophy, he offers an incredibly thoughtful and relevant analysis on the histories and development of what he defines as metaphysical rebellion: wherein lies the birth of Romanticism, Nihilism, Totalitarianism and extremist ideologies; and virtually everything that came to replace religion as we entered the modern era. A detail to note, and something that took me an admittedly embarrassing time to pick up on is that Camus tends to write from the perspective of those he's writing of (Libertines, Romanticists, etc); which if you do not keep in mind, some pages may seem like endorsements.

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