- Original language: German
- Genre: Unclassified
- Book file uploaded by: JohnThomas, on the August 22nd, 2016
- Book file read: 584 times
- Rating: 9/10
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Rating: 10
Hemingway's first major work, also his greatest.
Year of edition: 2006
Year read: 2020
Language: English
Pages: 250
Price: 16 dollars
Rating: 8
I finished this fascinating book about the "lost generation." Most adults have heard that term, but I wonder how many, like me, never knew the source. It is not in the story but a quote from a fellow author and friend of Hemingway, Gertrude Stein. She commented, "you are all a lost generation" to him and his friends, and he added it in the forward of The Sun Also Rises. This book is perhaps best summed up as bringing together a group of these "lost" individuals and showcasing their lives after the war; their struggles to find normalcy, hope, and perhaps peace, in Paris. It was interesting to me to dwell on the word "lost" while reading the book. What was lost? Who was lost? Why was it lost? Was anything really lost? Young people reading this book for the first time may feel like it's a book about nothing at all, but there is much symbolism throughout the book. An older reader who has "lived" may pick up on it more quickly. For some, it may take multiple readings to discover the answers to the loss. One of my favorite quotes from the book, “I did not care what it was all about. All I wanted to know was how to live in it. Maybe if you found out how to live in it, you learned from that what it was all about.” Very interesting book.