Your Silence Will Not Protect You


  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Unclassified
  • Year published: 2017
  • Book file uploaded by: Nile Blue, on the May 14th, 2022
  • Book file read: 238 times
  • Rating: 10/10

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  • Nile Blue
    Publisher: Silver Prese
    Year of edition: 2017
    Year read: 2020
    Language: English
    Pages: 227
    Rating: 10

    “I had to learn to hold on to all the parts of me that served me in spite of the pressure to express only one to the exclusion of all others.” - Audre Lorde

    Perhaps, these lines, this profoundly insightful piece of hindsight, impacted upon me in a way no other words, ever have. This sentence speaks with such clarity to the chaos that both envelopes and sends me source material for my initerant creativity. We live in a world that is still unfortunately resistant to the polymath within us all, provoking imposter syndrome far too far, and far too wide.

    If you hold many identities, this book, at least for me, also functions as a personal identity bible, as it addresses all manner of socio, economic, and political idealogies and positions that potentially repress the more expressive amongst us.

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