Poems About Women


There are so many poems about women that it is difficult to select which ones to discuss. Yet, one of the first poems that comes to mind is the lengthy and involved Aurora Leigh by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. I think that most people who read it are immediately taken by the heroine's strength and independence. We have stereotypical notions about ...

Epic Poems


An epic poem is usually a rather lengthy piece of writing which usually revolves around the topic of some heroic deed or some other event that is of significance to a particular nation or culture. We find the first known example of an epic poem in the form of The Epic of Gilgamesh. In Europe, the epic poem has ...

Short Poems About Love


When we look at those writers who have penned epic stories, hundreds, maybe even thousands of pages long, we think about what great writers they must be. And in truth, it does take great skill to develop a story to the point that it remains interesting to read after the first hundred or two hundred pages. Although being skilled at writing ...

Fall Poems


The four seasons of each year are often the subject of writers and poets. Although not all regions of the world have seasons that are as profoundly obvious as North America and Europe, most people have an understanding of what these seasons are like. And to the poet, each of these four seasons has a symbolic meaning. Whereas spring typically indicates ...

Poems About God


This is both an easy topic and a difficult one. It's easy in that we can find thousands of poems about "god"; however, there is great difficulty in agreeing on who or what "god" is, if "god" is. Let's eliminate the last option first -- there are poems about "god" whether we believe in a "god" or not. The poems exist, ...