Please Quietly Build Me A Flibbertigibbet


(alternately titled:
this stoned temple pilot ready for Styx)


I hate tubby a nuisance

boot ma checking account...

suffered a major hit strafed

with a shock king

(difficult to absorb) 'bout

mid morning today August fourteenth,

tooth how sand eighteen

and got rushed with clout

to the nearest emergency triage facility,

the doctors (all

named Piggy Penny Banks)

shook their head with doubt

prognosis for recovery requires more'n

just a dime a dozen,

(or quarter back) appeal,

hence my plea for posting,


this helter skelter heroic measure

summarily and in fact

donate myself (earning Purple Heart

as a non veteran)

bone a (er) fide done deal

yea, aye even forgo thine

cock a doodle doo lil pecker,

which minimally doth

newt rue, stir, nor ring

atrophied house broken

barely visible prick tis docile, and

(like a game cock)

willy nilly able

at a moe mince notice

dir wreck lee (stand stiff)

head over heal, though


strut that eye feel rendered poverty stricken,

a sudden dark mood

finds me less eager tubby alive

asper thine primary (albeit only)

checking account poorly

weathered a kamikaze nose dive

with the plight of pennilessness

unexpectedly looming...


(parental advisory) breaking news at five,

when motley crews auto be buzzing

like a b52 sized bee hive

ah...mine posthumous fame,

and fortune posse sub bully

as palliative relieving

grave gallows humor

small consolation, whereat

I cannot fathom to facebook,

snapchat, nor do the shutterfly jive!





  • Author: poet2rhyme4tommorrow (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 14th, 2018 12:58
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 11
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