

They think they get it but they don't 

I'm a stranger in my own home 

I stamp around

And yet do not make a sound 

Do not disturb those blank faces on their phones 


They don't know what I think and that's perfectly fine  

It's all okay as long as I hide

My feelings behind 

My bedroom door closed tight

All to hide the fact that I'm dying inside 


We like different things and that's okay 

But not when it means we can't communicate 

Our language is not the same

And I am to blame 

Because you speak in love but I speak in hate 


When we pass we speak a few words in a light-hearted tone

But only that

Because we are strangers in our own home 

  • Author: I.G.H (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 22nd, 2018 15:02
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 15
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  • Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet

    Your sentiment is well-received by the reader, but one question. Who is they?

    Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  • Crystal Hope

    so greatly written. well done piece

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