Locked Out!

Gary Edward Geraci

In this His Cross all have a share,

Bleed, brood, but bar none, all to bear.


New pagan ways, feign and lie,

Devil’s inroads - the soul to die.


False freedoms: jealousy, envy; 

Vain, thankless, pinched of liberty.


In dirt I crawled yet yearned for ease,

Spurn not your son forgive me please!


Dire straits, confined, pressed out the breath;

Gaped, gasped, a skyward grasp from death.


Shunned not the Church but it is shut!

Jaunt through mire and slime - tell you what!


This one respite, our high haven;

Jaws of hell spit, stole my heaven;


Locked out! Wait! Streaming feed: movement!

Live! Soul food - the great Sacrament!


Flickering flames, candles, and shadows;

Majestic God - glory follows!


Pray, converse with God; put to trust

His grace and grace to give must,


By clear assent, climb pure heights;

Heirs, fair children! Free, He delights!


Our flesh He took; in Bread now,

Dazed to see, compelled to bow


And bend a knee. Might! Adore!

Christ King! Prostrate, fall to the floor.


Lord Jesus, the Son, I AM.

Born to draw near, in love I am!


-Gary Edward Geraci

  • Author: Gary Edward Geraci (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 24th, 2018 12:40
  • Comment from author about the poem: Some of my poem was inspired by the fact that my church, St. Luke Catholic Church, was, outside of daily Mass, “locked-up” over the Thanksgiving holidays. I found an alternative, “Skype-like” experience with our Lord in the following, live, YouTube feed: https://youtu.be/CqW1lENuph0
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 23
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  • orchidee

    Doh! I know. Some churches were shut at Easter. They were having 'United Services' at one central church.

    • Gary Edward Geraci

      Thank you Orchidee; yes patience was the key.

    • Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet

      Such beautifully spiritual words that consume the reader. Churches being shut is, unfortunately, just the beginning. The powers that be would love to put an end to Christianity.

      Great write!

      • Gary Edward Geraci

        Thank you for your read and supportive words Tamara. The gates of Hell will not prevail...

        • Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet

          You're welcome. Yes ,'The gates of hell will not prevail" are the words of Jesus. 🙂

        • orchidee

          You got in that church yet? Is it open now?!

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