Some are tall and some are short
Some try hard and some abort
Some are rich and some are poor
Some obey some flout the law
Some love while others hate
Some are early some are late
Some are lazy some are busy
Some drinks still and others fizzy
Some are hopeful others dread
Some are foolish some well- read
Some are heavy some are light
Some withdraw while others fight
Some are boring others witty
Some girls ugly some are pretty
Some are old and others young
Some are weak and others strong
Some stay home while others leave
Some doubt the faith while some believe
Some eyes are brown and others blue
Some push ahead while others queue
Some marry some stay single
Some are shy while others mingle
Some die early some die late
Some are gay and some are straight
Some are bald and some hirsute
Some drinks neat and some dilute
Some are eager some don’t care
Some play straight and some unfair
Some are neat and some are scruffy
Some like tea and some like coffee
Some days warm and some days cold
Some conform some break the mould
Some want more and some content
Some have borrowed others lent
Some will laugh while others cry
Some will give while some deny
Some are Vegans some eat meat
Some will text and some will tweet
Some will bath and some will shower
Some confront and others cower
Some will lose and never find
Some are cruel and some are kind
Some are healthy some are ill
Some will fidget some stay still
Some forgive and some will blame
Some content while some seek fame
Some go fast and some go slow
Some will reap and some will sow
Some are liked and some are loathed
Some are naked others clothed
Some will cheat while some play fair
Some will keep while others share
- Author: Classicmister ( Offline)
- Published: November 27th, 2018 06:31
- Comment from author about the poem: Just a bit of ryming fun!
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 58
- Users favorite of this poem: Mads
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