I have this broken hairband,
The elastic snapped inside,
And it doesn't hold my hair,
Simply slips and slides.
So I pinned it to a notice board,
Hanging in my room,
I didn't throw it in the bin,
As many would assume.
I keep it as a reminder,
That yes, things do break,
And sometimes lose their purpose,
And just don't seem that great.
But doesn't that remind you,
Of human beings too?
How they get old and rickety,
Their past skills they may lose.
They may be ill or hurting,
Physically or in mind,
They may simply be waiting,
For someone to be kind.
Humans break so easily,
And lose their will to try,
Often hiding themselves away,
Simply waiting to die.
But if that was your loved one,
Hurting, ill or old,
Would you throw them away,
And let your love grow cold?
Would you stick them in a home,
And leave them there to die,
And tell them that "I just
Can't bear see you cry"?
Would you leave them all alone,
To just fend for themselves?
As if you never cared,
Or hated them as well?
Would you say to them,
"You're just no use to me"?
When they stopped being able to,
Be all they used to be?
Would you think to yourself,
"Well, I don't need them anymore,
I continue with my own life,
They'll be fine I'm sure"?
Or would you do your best,
To make them feel loved,
During what time they had left,
Doing all you could.
Would you show them all they meant,
And how you need them still,
How despite their loss of purpose,
They can still have will?
Would you show them everyday,
How you need them in your life?
Remind them how they've helped you,
Through troubled times and strife?
Would you spend each ounce of strength,
Doing all you can,
To show them what they mean,
Remind them how in life they ran?
Because I think you should,
Show people what they mean,
Even if they're weak,
All small or in between.
Because they're still a human,
Just like me or you,
And they still deserve respect,
Don't question me, its true.
So that is what my hairband means,
Clinging to my wall,
Tells me that we all break,
We all at last must fall.
But it doesn't mean we're useless,
Or should be thrown away,
Or should not be aided,
To face another day.
It just means we need friends,
And family close by,
To treat us with great kindness,
As we, to others, try.
Heather Harrisson (
- Published: December 19th, 2018 17:50
- Category: Love
- Views: 62
every time I read your poetry I feel emotions I haven't felt in a while I hope you continue to write and stand up for those in need
you seem so kind and thoughtful
I hope we can be friends
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