I Still Think Of You Sometimes

Noah Malice

I met a man who lost his house

He got real sick and it came down

He was real smart and loved his wife

I still think of you sometimes


To the beach I took my hand

We wrote your name in the sand

It didn't make it through the tide

I still think of you sometimes


I saw a girl and she made me smile

It was the first time in a while

I just turned and walked on by

I still think of you sometimes


I saw a fox and a wheat field

It was a dream but it was real

Looking up at the sky

I still think of you sometimes


Looking around just looking round

Taking it in with the sounds

If it's too much I can close my eyes

I still think of you sometimes


I loved you then and I love you still

There's no doubt I always will

An understatement is not a lie

I still think of you sometimes

  • Author: Noah Malice (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 28th, 2018 23:26
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 34
  • Users favorite of this poem: prettylittlepoet
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