Galvanized With Steely Mettle


Countless instances submitting poems

finds me racking

quite a hefty collection of rejections,

the responses lacking

disappointing voluminous vicious

venomous vitriolic backing

quite the contrary,

the prefabricated responses

unsuccessful at hijacking

my "FAKE" toothy gumption

(since I wear dentures) lip smacking

bite size packing

not exceptionally appetizing,

but definitely wanting

with more pungent acidity stinging

(albeit figuratively) painfully digging

into the essence of all bone marrow,

asper this humble,

who will brazenly continue entering

competitions until scathing

character ridiculed of course including

unsolicited yet denigrating

words clearly, definitively,

and flagrantly insinuating

this prolific entity among

basket of deplorables wasting

his precious energy and time crafting

ambiguous, horrendous, and

nebulous word mangling

poetic endeavors attempting

to garner plaudits generating

infamous, notorious, and

sanctimonious renown diluting

the medium, which

August pantheon replete

with posthumous scriveners

reputations eternally outshining

any facile, infantile,

and juvenile laboring

in my unbiased opinion

far more deserving

of a simple bland communique

devoid of any ripsnorting

flagitious, malicious, and

unscrupulous character assassinating

(mine), which continuously insipid sending

(to yours truly) said

tactfully gentle turning

down efforts requiring

nose to the grindstone painstaking

efforts, which witness shuttering

myself within this

mancave, barely surviving

on thin gruel necessitating

copious blood, sweat, and tears with

nary even a shopworn reprehensible glint

bombarding, condemning, and defaming,

hence such determination bedeviling diligence

to espy acceptably blistering

excoriating, and insulting

nauseating mean opprobrium

meted out to me

until such outpouring

of vindictiveness acquired,

I will continue logic bending writing.

Wherefore art thou to find (even trumped) critique?


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