Catch me


I've traveled to the darkest

Corners of my mind

Where demons seem to greet me

And are always kind

They fool me with tricks

Try to make me believe

I'm not the kind of person

That I wish I could be

And maybe they're right

Since they are a part of me

But if I can prove them wrong

Then I'll finally be set free

From the hold that is my mind

Its deadly and diseased 

I just need a little help

And I'm begging for it please


My thoughts keep me awake at night

And someday soon I fear I might

Start to lose myself

I feel an inch slip away

Just a little everyday

And I don't think I can catch myself


Im falling down this rabbit hole

Of darkness and deceit

Don't know if I can make it back

Maybe it's time to face defeat

And time to give my heart a break

Don't know how much more I can take

But maybe I'll just try to fake 

It a little bit, longer


  • Author: Mia_Rose (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 16th, 2019 13:00
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 15
  • Users favorite of this poem: psychofemale, Mads
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Comments +


  • Netashi

    A great write depicting self discovery and improve that include self doubt and insecurities, keep up the great work.
    - T the scholar

  • psychofemale

    ohhhh i love this, this could totally be song lyrics 🙂

  • Elizabeth Locorriere

    This is really good! Very relatable!

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