As if I’m not even there


As if I’m not even there

You continue with your life as if I’m not even there




As if I’m not even there

You ask what’s wrong

I blankly stare 

Something is obviously wrong

But you don’t even care

Discussing choreography


Twirling your hair

All as if I’m not even there 

But there I lay with mascara drawn shadows under my eyes

There I lay with my head propped against your thighs

There I lay seeking comfort amidst despair

Listening to the gossiping whispers

As if I’m not even there

  • Author: calliecrandall (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 23rd, 2019 01:16
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 9
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    Thanks CALLIE ~ Thanks for your first POEM ~ YES it is SAD but not unusual ! It happens to MEN as well as LADIES ~ There is a song MISTER CELLOPHANE written by a Man who everyone ignored as if he was transparent. It has happened to me ~ BUT I never ignore my ladies and my Fiancee ANGELA shares my site ! It is hard when one is treated as INVISIBLE ! I trust your |MAN will wake up and realise what a GEM he is ignoring !
    Blessings & Best Wishes ~ BRIAN & ANGELA.
    Please check our SITE. MPS works by reading & commenting on each others Poems. Ours today is a tribute to Robbie Burns ~ OK

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