Dear Brother


So many things have happened in our lives

Some good, some bad, some funny, some sad


If I could have changed some of the things we went through

Our stormy skies would have always been blue


I want you to know even though

Many years we were apart

You still had that place in my heart


Out of all our family, I felt most connected to you

Maybe because of all the sh*t I put you through

Making you jump off the top of the garage,

 telling you that you could fly,

 Pssst little brother, that was a lie

In the city lot, when the golf ball hit you in the eye

Man, that night I thought I was going to die...

Worse of all, the hot water episode... I was totally to blame

I’m so so sorry! I don’t know how I did such a horrible thing


Even after all that, look how you turned out

I am so very proud of you, without a doubt


We’ve gotten closer again the past couple years

  • sometimes you even let me hangout with you and your peers 


Chad you’re not just my brother, but a friend

I will always be there for you till the very end


I love you brother man

  • Author: RT (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 14th, 2019 13:28
  • Comment from author about the poem: A little note, an apology perhaps :-), as I looked back on our childhood. Things that happen in our lives you can never take back, but you can learn and grow..
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 12
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  • Clark

    Beautiful and heartfelt write, I love it 🙂

    • Ranita

      Thank you bud 🙂

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