Nothing Is Worse Than


Nothing is worse than being told you are something you are not.

To be told you MUST be this because you look like that.

To be told, well you got a vagina and titties on your chest you ARE a girl.

But you don't feel like a girl , you prefer to be called a he.

You don't want to be called a he but since you got a third leg and a bump in ya throat you HAVE to be one.

But you prefer to be called she.

Or maybe you don't feel like either and you wanna identify as they.

But no, you look like this so you have to be that.

Because it makes them uncomfortable, but now you're uncomfortable. So you're both just sitting there uncomfortable.

Being told oh you're a thug who don't care about school.

But in reality you're passing all your classes and don't know a thing about being in the streets.

Well, your skin is dark, ya hair nappy, you look like a nigga so you must be one and niggas don't care about they education they just wanna be thugs.

You're white so you MUST be racist, you probably gonna wear a confederate flag dress on your wedding day.

You're probably homophobic too it only seems right considering you're white.

A teen mom? you must've been out there with your legs open for anyone.

But in reality you said no and nobody listened now you got a child you probably don't even want by someone you don't care for and now you're fast by association.

You're fat because you're lazy and eat unhealthy.

But you in the gym sweatin off the food you didn't even eat because youre told you are unhealthy and HAVE to be smaller.

Nothing is worse than being told you are something you aren't.

You may have some titties on ya chest but youre no less of a men than one that's been one since birth.

You may not be able to push some babies out but neither can women who have been women since birth, so you not any less women than the next.

Yes you're dark, beautiful, nappy hair who cares, NOT a thug, couldn't hustle to save ya life.

Yeah you a lil melanin deficient but you not racist, homophobic, barely like the american flag who messin with the confederate one?

Yes you MAY be fat but far from  unhealthy, eat that 5 pc from mcdonald's baby you deserve it. them skinny people be RIGHT at burger king anyways gettin a heart attack right along with all the “lazy fat people”.

Yall dont wanna put yourself in anybody else's shoes

soon as you put em on take that first steps its “ow my feet hurt”.

you gone wanna take em off but nah keep on em and walk a few more feet then youll see how it feels.

So before you open your mouth or unlock your phone to talk on anyone remember

Nothing is worse than being told you are something you arent.

  • Author: nmarie (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 5th, 2019 22:10
  • Comment from author about the poem: this came straight from my head to paper, or google docs. zero type of editing.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 10
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    WELCOME ONIAMAMA (GREAT PEN NAME !) : Thanks for your first POEM it makes a lot of SENSE ! I love being WHO I AM ! Im 30 : Still young enough to have fun : old enough to know better. Im a PHYSIOTHERAPIST so most Men are scared of ME when I start my manipulations to get them mobile again. Im engaged to BRIAN : who I share this site with. Im in New Zealand (Work exchange) and B is in the UK but hes coming to see me again @ Easter : AMEN.
    My MANTRA is same as yours : BE YOURSELF : Your Parents gift to YOU (through genetics) is HOW YOU ARE : Your gift back to them is to be the BEST you can ! My PAPA is Spanish so Im olive skinned with dark hair : My MAMA is English so I have Blue Eyes and a big smile : Im XX so I AM A GIRL and I LOVE WHO I AM : AMEN !
    Thanks for sharing : please check our site
    Your FRIEND through POETRY : ANGELA

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