

If could you make me

Into a colour or tone,

I know that it would be

The colour of woad.

Soft indigo faded,

Made strong in a vat;

And being distilled from

The waving fronds of a plant,

In the swirling mixture, it would seem

To be a heady shade of green,

But expose it to the air above,

The faithful colour will be seen. 

This blue is what I am -

Used once by warriors strong,

To paint their bodies

For war and to belong.

Find me there;

In that pigment from another time,

Find me in the soft blue prose,

In the lonely indigo rhyme. 

  • Author: SerenWise (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 8th, 2019 13:07
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 37
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  • Neville

    I like this poem, I like it a lot and whilst there may be some who are as yet unfamiliar with the term, and therefore, most likely the colour or the plant from which it may be extracted and some of its colourful history, they most certainly will be after reading you..... Neville

  • Fay Slimm.

    Ah the magic of woad as used by the ancient warriors - - naked the bodies were painted in complex designs and it dark blue -green hue must have been frightening........ this piece describes too the greeny blue history that colours your dreams Seren - - a most interesting read.

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