A Turkish Mother To The Kaiser (WW1) +8

Kurt Philip Behm

How many sons

  have we lost


How many demons

  have we found


How many graves

  must we dig


To make the ‘Fatherland’



(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)




What's Now In Front


Is it Aerosmith or The Eagles for you,

  Republican or Democrat to vote


Is it Chinese takeout or Italian bistro,

  or the prose or poetry you wrote


Is it bland or spicy, thick or thin,

  as you struggle yet confused


Is it yes or nor, or God forbid maybe,

  what’s to gain and what’s to lose


Is it briefs or boxers, or none at all,

  is it Winter over Spring


Is it rock and roll, or blues or jazz,

  does it have to be one thing


Is it dogs or cats, or beer or wine,

  is the difference felt inside


When you choose just one, to eliminate,

  what your vanity tries to hide


Throw out the rules, pull off the mask,

  to your inner self be true


Force not yourself to choose between

  —but what’s now in front of you


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)




Beyond His View


Writing about life…

  he was powerless over death,

  life was what he was good at


Death, a combination

  of all he would never understand

  and all he would never accept


It was a major failing,

  never to bring closure or a period

  to the end of his sentence


Along a road predestined,

   mirrored by the face of denial,

   redemption unreflected—beyond his view


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)



Death's Quota


The flowers all have scattered,

  borrowed feelings cry out loud


Mock funeral of celebration,

  grief false beneath their shrouds


The mourning congregation,

  to the tavern marched in step


A ruse to the departed,

  with each toast his memory wept


His friends then hugged his enemies,

  his wife and girlfriend kissed


Through the glass a raven watches,

  taking names without a miss


A ‘last call’ shouted boldly,

  and all glasses drained of lies


As two wings beat out a roll call

  —death’s quota flying high


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)



Literary Genetics


The DNA of language

  is Poetry


The DNA of Poetry

  —is love


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)



A Melody Of Sages


Prose and Poetry

  came together


In a marriage of



 —each wanting from the other

     what they could not bring


—each vowing to the other

    words they longed to sing


Birthing a new music

  of epic proportion


In an infant now timeless

  beyond simple refrain


—with a message for the ages

    wrapped in lyrical rhyme


—in a melody of sages

    defying space and time


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)



Wasted Dreams


Delay success for as long

As you can…

Living up to an image

Will only cloud your judgment

Stealing what you can least

Afford to lose

Dragging you into the illusion

And myth

That could take a lifetime

To rail against

Dragging you into the

Vicarious trap

Of praise falsely given

 —and wasted dreams


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)



A Wish Still On Loan


Making love to remembrance,

  I see her walk past


Blonde, eighteen and tan,

  and this decade my last


A memory comes back,

  as new feelings release


Of a field in September,

  when our hearts were at peace


And I think of you fondly,

  as I watch her pass by


I hold the thought warmly,

  as she looks in my eyes


With my head now to follow,

  she turns to my left


My joint pain endemic,

  my passion still deft


But this memory won’t leave me,

  as that summer you did


These new thoughts my own,

  where you took ours and hid


And as she steps through the doorway,

  a fantasy unknown


I make love to her memory

  —with a wish still on loan


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)




A Voice Heaven Sent


Never writing for the masses,

  just writing for you


One lone set of ears,

  to share life anew


Never writing for consensus,

  my words not for rent


To call through the ages

  —with a voice heaven sent


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)



Only One 


There are many futures

  —but only one past


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)



Your Souls Release


Can a phrase rule

  over a paragraph


Can the right word

  stand alone


Can a thought be held

  within one breath


Can the truth in short

  be known


Can you single out

  the future


Can you paraphrase

  the past


Can you release the hope

  inside a wish


Can you make this moment



Can you keep the magic,

  the spell unbound


Can Apollo set you



Can you say it while

  defying time


Can you voice your souls



(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)




Introductory Poem to my new book...

(An Anthology Of Perception Vol. 3)

“I write the first draft
and paint the second

“But the third
—I get to sing”


(Villanova Pennsylvania 2016)












  • Author: Kurt Philip Behm (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 12th, 2019 09:11
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 14
  • Users favorite of this poem: Laura🌻
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Comments +


  • Poetic Dan

    Thank you

  • Laura🌻


    • “A Turkish Mother To The Kaiser(WW1)”
    Heart-wrenching and painful...
    but a super write!

    CONGRATULATIONS on finishing your 3rd anthology!


    • Kurt Philip Behm

      Thanks Laura... Cutty awaits!

      • Laura🌻

        Eleven awesome reads!
        I especially enjoyed...
        • “A Voice Heaven Sent” and
        • “A Wish Still On Loan”

        • Laura🌻

          ...and you know
          I AM WAITING FOR HIM!!

          • Kurt Philip Behm

            I'm glad, thanks.

            • Laura🌻

              My pleasure, my friend!🤗

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