Lost Bridges


Walking with every step
One bridge after the other
So hot to the touch
Did I start it with this step

Some are hot some are cold
Intact some how
Holding one breath
Screams reach the inside

They walk with me
Holding together one touch
One day lost control
To the fire within

It burns trying not to touch
Keep it all intact
Stepping with every step so lightly
It will all come crashing

One voice one word and one scream
Its lonely not knowing
Being set free
With every trap on each bridge

How do they hold it together
But I'm no angel for what you see
These wings they burn
Lost walking these bridges
It's too much they will all burn down

  • Author: Daniel Nicholas Ellis (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 10th, 2019 10:20
  • Comment from author about the poem: Keeping it together with each step.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 11
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  • DeviLove

    dude, this is a great depiction of what life is like. just the things we go through and all the different "bridges" we have to walk on/through to get to the next stage of living. Props to you, my friend. Wonderfully worded! Love the description.

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