One Candle Burns (+6)

Kurt Philip Behm

By facing death,

we embrace life more


We see the limits,

each minute core


Seen as a friend,

all life betroths


Each moment treasured,

our loved ones close


And when we face

that final day


A voice more gentle,

bids us sway


Into the dark,

one candle burns


Death’s welcome light

—for our return


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2019)



If Never


What is this one life really worth,

the price of many sins


What is that one last question asked

—if never to forgive


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)



That Final Window


What know ye of the truth,

that final window left to close


Who calls thee to its breast,

a suckled vision

—heaven shown


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)



No Longer Hot


Is there disappointment in arrival…

anticipation the crown jewel


Are the accolades left hollow,

uncertainty what’s new


Is acceptance yours or theirs to own,

all badges keyed to lock


Does your soul ignite once past the flame

—your words no longer hot


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)



One Deep Thrust


To pierce today’s attention span,

fewer words are best


A point honed sharp for one deep thrust

—one is all you’ll get


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)




The Future Proclaims


The pen and the keyboard…

their white flag of truce


Now tattered and burning,

new words on the loose


The ink stains once mighty,

a cursor now reigns


As deep into cyberspace

—the future proclaims


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017) 



Legacy Recast


Like wine uncorked to breathe the air,

my heart and mind become


The richness of this life I’ve lived,

all fortune on the run


Not looking back, but looking in,

the key to feelings past


Where hides a treasure, memory locked

—its legacy recast


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)

  • Author: Kurt Philip Behm (Online Online)
  • Published: July 13th, 2019 10:26
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 40
  • Users favorite of this poem: Laura🌻
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Comments +


  • Laura🌻


    “One Candle Burns”

    At times I hear that gentle voice and therefore ... treasure each moment


  • Kurt Philip Behm

    As do we all, thanks.

  • Christina8

    "One Candle Burns" was really well done! So many truths in your finely versed poem. :-)--Christina

  • Kurt Philip Behm

    Thanks Christina

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