love, sadness, worries, smiles


she looks for a purpose

though she struggles,

her love is surplus

but it can't conquer her troubles,


things she once adored

now bore her to dust,

 the sadness tugs at her heart

things she once had, lost,


her depressed persona

covers the happy girl i used to know,

her worries own her

and the ugly thoughts flow,


who she once was

its hard to tell,

she smiles no longer

because her life's a living hell 

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    GUTEN TAG MEIN FREUND : ANGELA here - Welcome to MPS it is an interactive site. Please excuse my German but we like to make everyone welcome ! Thanks for your first Poem - elegant in structure and subject. Replete with RHYME and RHYTHM as befits good poetry. I like the way you have highlighted a Key Word (in each verse) in colour !
    LOVE (is surplus) SADNESS (tugs at the heart) WORRIES (own her) SMILES (no longer)
    Her life - once Happy - now has - NO purpose - NO joy - NO stability - NO future ! very sad indeed I hope its not autobiographical. I can relate to some of these scenarios !
    Im 31 and engaged to BRIAN (35) with whom I share this site. We plan to marry in 2020 ! BRIAN is in the UK and I have been in New Zealand (11,500 apart) on a WORK EXCHANGE - so I do get sad & lonely some days. We do skype every day and hes coming to get me in October ! Before I met Brian I had some relationships which caused me to lose MY purpose - joy & stability & the future seemed bleak so I can empathise with your elegant words - Thanks for caring and sharing - more PLEASE !

    Blessings & Peace & Joy in LIFE & LOVE
    Your Friend through Poetry ANGELA 🧡🧡
    Please check our site - Thanks A !

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