
purged-soul whispered-sin

A  glimmer of hope in the blink of an eye.

Eternally perplexing,

bane, on an empty mind.

Lonely, red is shifting -

hordes of emptiness follow me racking up the will to live

bystanders wiz past, but not in motion

streaming lights in acid vision warping space around me

waltzing through the dark fairground of life


A glimmer of hope in the blink of an eye

Flashbacks are always rotten

Pushing forward, and the past forgotten

Sunbathing in the moonlight rays

I dance in the Tomb of Nebamun

and fly through the valley of kings

Out of the dark, we come to the light,

and from the light, we shall return to the dark

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    Welcome FRIEND to MPS. It is an empathetic site on which everyone shares their experience through POETRY ! I share this site with my Fiancee Angela. In LIFE & in LOVE we discover Black & White and Dark & Light are in conflict always seeking to occupy the same space ! Your Picture & Poem illustrate this beautiully ~ thanks for sharing. In Society we are all waltzing through the dark fairground of life ~ but we must all seek to push forward ! Out of the DARK into LIGHT ~ but our experience is that we soon return back to the DARK again ~ C'est la Vie !

    Peace & Joy in all your activities
    Yours ANGELA & BRIAN ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™
    Please check our site ~ Thanks A & B !

  • Neville

    Reads like a first class business trip on lysergic acid diethylamide...

    Nice one and thanks for the ride... Oh' and welcome.... Neville

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