my lonely

purged-soul whispered-sin

Where are you, my lonely? It’s only me.

I’ve got some confessions, but not more than three.

When i were just an innocent, and that thing happened to me, i thank you, my lonely. You were right there for me.

I was scared, terrified, time after time. But i thank you, my lonely. Cuz you dried my eyes.

They came with insults, they came with lies, an innocent child! and all i can think of is...... “why?"

They laughed and high fived, took it all in their stride.

But I thank you, my lonely. You were right by my side.

No mother to run to, greeted by fists, fury and fights.

So i thank you, my lonely. You were right there each night.

I wish now i could meet me, when young and full of life, to take by the hand and say “everything is alright

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  • dusk arising

    Beautifully expressed comfort from deep within ones self preservation zone. Not many get to go there but this reads like is straight from the heart.
    Really touched me reading this and i hope you have comfort and warmth from another in your life now.

    This goes into my favourites because it's ... well it's just so good!

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