It has been eighteen years
Since that dark and gloomy day
Our hearts are still grieving
As a result of the chaos on display
The events that unfolded right before our eyes
Sadly presented devastation and corruption
The whole universe reacted with a melancholy tone
Everyone appeared to be in a state of frustration
Four planes ran off course and crashed
And buildings started to fall
A horrific and ugly scenery presented itself
As our backs were against the wall
The appearance of a sullen and dour mood
Many people cried lots of tears
The acrimony lives on to this day
Sadly, after all of these years
The Brooklyn Six Project™ (Pseudonym) (
- Published: September 11th, 2019 12:06
- Category: Sad
- Views: 19
Very well done, brooklyn!!
Much appreciated Christina!
a much needed post I must say...
Much appreciated Neville!
my pleasure...
You versed the terrible tragedy so clearly brooklyn and reminded us never to forget that horrific happening.
Much appreciated Fay!
Thanks for reminding us FRIEND - We should never forget 911 A day when Americas Pride was severely tested. I was 18 on September 8 2001 and was in America with my Parents In Iowa visiting American Friends to celebrate my Birthday ! When we switched on the TV in the Morning the first one looked like a Film or Accident but the second on convinced us it was Terror Strike ! America went into SHUT DOWN and when the Iconic Towers Collapsed horror turned to mourning as we all sensed the Death Toll would be thousands. We feared for our Friend Paul (from the UK) who worked on the 101 Floor of the N Tower. We later learned he was mecifully off-site on that Day. We visited Ground Zero in 2002 with Paul from New Jersey ~ and he cried not for his lost JOB but his lost Colleagues. We have since visited the very striking memorial on the footprints of the Twin Towers and the New Tower. Every time I see a Picture of the Towers I still shed a Tear for the 3000 dead and the bereaved from many Nations on Earth ! It touched us ALL ~ AMEN
Blessings to You & Yours
Yours BRIAN 💙💙💙💙💙
I am watching a Programme (UK TV)
on the Twin Towers as I write this.
Much appreciated Angela and Brian!
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