You will understand when you are older


you will understand when you are older,

that is what we are told,

so why do i stand in the mirror,

just try to think that i am pretty enough ,

we sit down in the bath and look down at the rolls beneath the boobs we must cover up,

don’t be a slut ,

don’t distract the male teachers who are not old enough to keep their eyes to themselves,

there is punishment for wearing your clothes the school says you can wear,

the two pounds so sneakily snatched from your hands as a list of what you can’t wear is replaced into them,

no straps showing,

no knees,

shoulders we don’t want to see those they show to much skin,

if you fight back the stubborn answer is

it gives the school a bad reputation ,

but what about ours ,

the slim bitchy girls who so quietly snigger in the corner,

texting one another about the fact you didn’t wear ripped jeans ,

assuming you are not rebellious enough,

and the boys won’t want you when they find that out,

if you don’t drink or swear,

the fact you have never been touched before ,

but the stories you so often hear about what your ‘friend’ did with her boyfriend last night,

her description so detailed

her mum was only downstairs ,

but it’s ok ,

everyone does it ,

don’t worry ,

you’ll get there ,

you will understand when you are older.

  • Author: jesspeggy (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 28th, 2019 19:17
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 8
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    ANGELA HERE - Good evening JESSPEGGY (Great name) welcome to MPS ! It is a very friendly site & operates by reading & commenting (if you wish) on each others Poems - OK ! Please check our site which I share with my Fiance BRIAN (36) - were getting married in April 2020 then I will know everything ! Im 31 !
    Thanks for your first poem - elegantly penned in Free Verse - no Rhyme but lots of Rhythm ! Growing up is much more difficult for us Girls than Boys - we have so many internal & external bodily changes to cope with in additionto fashion etc etc ! Im a PHYSIOTHERAPIST so I have studied developmental Human Anatomy & Physiology so I understand what we go through as we grow up ! Love the way you exemplify the problem areas as your poem progresses !
    Full length Mirrors can be a friend & a foe ! Body shape & boobs are always a problem in a SIZE ZERO culture. I do a lot of exercise in my Job so I am well honed and muscular and tall 5' 10" Brian is 6' 2" very fit and slim and loves me *JUST AS I AM !* Male Teachers & Male Tutors @ Uni like to look but know (most of them !) that the cant touch but all ladies like to be admired - from a distance but not leched ! I went an All Girls School with a very strict dress code - but in that environment Girls of ones own age can be very bitchy - and love to shock by sharing their (fantasy ? & youtube ?) experiences ! I was raised strict Catholic so I was mainly a *Good Girl* and was never taken advantage of by an older Boy or Man - thank GOD. Even @ Uni I never got drunk or did drugs or slept around ! I never subscribed to the MANTRA *Everyone does it* but now Iam older I do understand *what its all about* and what will be expected of me when I am married. I am 31 and never been pregnant ! My PAPA - who is Spanish - Would castrate the MAN & banish me to a Nunnery in Sevilla ! I am prudish enough to believe that a Girls VIRGINITY is the most precious thing she posseses and it should only be willingly surrended in a loving relationship and not sacrificed in a drunken fumble - one night stand - in the back of a FORD FIESTA to someone you hardly know & have never loved. Ones first INTERCOURSE should be a beautiful and love filled experience - I know mine was !

    Thanks for sharing & caring - much food for thought !
    Yours ANGELA !
    If you have any questions about MPS please ask - OK !

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