Alone Am I Amongst The Twilight Trees


Alone Am I Amongst The Twilight Trees

Leaves Shining and Shimmering as The Stars Above

The Silence of This Forest of The Ever Night Is Only Broken by the Sounds of The Creatures Nocturnal

Dreams Come and Stay Here in This Enchanted Grove and Dreamers Can Often be Found Resting Underneath The Trees of Twilight

No Evil Can leave its Mark here for the Magic here is The Most Strong and Unforgiving against those Who Dare Trespass and Harm

Maidens of the Moonlight Sing Songs that Soothe and Leaves One in Deep but Peaceful Slumber  as these Maidens continue Playing on Instruments of Silver

I try to Resist the Lullabies sung by these Princesses of the Twilight but my Eyes Grow Heavy and my Mind is Dulled

I take a Few Steps Searching for the way out of this Forest but the Maidens Glide over to me and Embrace me in their arms

"Why do you attempt to Leave?" They ask me with Voices of Pure Melody 

"Stay With us and Rest Awhile for the World Outside is Cruel and Leaves All Restless...But not here. No Not here Amongst our Trees of Twilight and Beauty."

They Caress me and Dance around me giving out Soft Laughter as their Silk Dresses Transform them into Living Art before my Eyes

"Watch Us and Be Pleasured at the Sight of us for we Desire to make you at Peace and Restfulness."

I watch them for what seems like Years Passing and my Mind is in Conflict

Should I stay here and Forsake the Restless World Outside or Should I leave my Chance of Eternal Sleep and Harmony behind?

I Stumble backward and trip on a Single Branch Plummeting me to the Forest Floor

Blackness.... The deep Blackness of Unconsciousness Envelops me until I Regain my Senses and Open my Eyes

Open my Eyes to a Nightmare

The Trees of Twilight now appear Sickly and Dripping with Sap that takes on the Appearance of Blood

Underneath them are Husks of Men Wrapped in the Silk of Spider Webs and Spider lings Scuttle out of Empty Eye Sockets and Mouths Agape in Silent Screams 

The very Forest Floor is Littered with the Bones of Many who were Ensnared  in this Forest of Deception and Death

Above I hear the Rustling of Long Dead Leaves and Looking Up I Behold the "Maidens" of this Twilight Forest

They are Succubi and Once they realize I'm no longer under their Spell, They Screech in Anger and Hunger

"No Matter! You Shall Sleep here in our Forest...But not the Sleep of Peace but the Sleep of DEATH!"

They Leap from the Trees with their Claws Outstretched and I in a Moment of Remembrance Pull out my Sword and Slash into the Air

Thick Violet Gore Flies through the air and lands with a Sickening Wet Splash on the Forest Floor and the Two Succubi Crashes in front of me Bleeding from Mortal Wounds

They hold onto their Stomachs as their Foul Insides Threaten to Spill Out Hissing at me but Now in Fear

"Show Me the Way out of this Accursed Place and I Shall leave you to Rest." I Demand

Sensing that their only Hope of Survival is to Obey my Request, they Lead me to the Way Out 

"There is your Route Mortal...Now Leave Us to our Promised Rest." They Snarl at me

"I shall.." Two Quick Slashes and my Promise is Fulfilled Leaving them to Rest in the UnderWorld

Sheathing my Sword I now take my Leave from these Trees of Twilight and Trickery







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  • dusk arising

    Wow! This was really enjoyable to read. Very entertaining and you quite unexpetedly turned the whole beauty of the thing on its head half way through.
    Great plot, great storyteller.

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