When love is gone


My mind is a boat, it’s cargo is your name, travelling on the current, lost at sea, thrown around on brain waves.

My heart is empty, my bones are now dust. Burned from the fire, I once called our love.

My eyes are black holes, hollow, swallowing whole, any beauty and crushing it so small.

My soul long departed to the Bermuda Triangle, stuck in Earth’s dead zone, no longer to return.


If love is the gift of mind, body, and soul then this is all that can be left, when that love is gone.

  • Author: KingCalm7 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 7th, 2020 10:25
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 20
  • Users favorite of this poem: Daydream Believer
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  • KingCalm7

    Thank you for commenting. I agree, it’s not very imaginative. Glad you enjoyed the poem.

  • Fractured Dreams

    Hello, nice first poem, I felt lost at sea with this tale on lost love. A lovely sad read with a good flow of verse.

  • KingCalm7

    Hi, thanks, for taking the time to read it, and leave a comment. I read a place to hate, I enjoyed it and I fully agreed with the message. That’s why I was drawn to this website. It’s still social but it’s also a platform for people’s creativity and ideas. Social media requires you to stage your life, but writing only wants truth.

  • Daydream Believer

    This was so beautiful, even though it was sad. Love can certainly leave us feeling adrift

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