The broken heart


As she was young,

She had a heart so pure,

Everywhere she walked, she brung,

Everyone had thought it was a cure,

One by one,

People came,

One by one,

People drew,

Her heart had been so pure,

But now,

Her heart isn't no more.


The final peice of her heart,

Was taken,

On by a boy whom she thought she loved and whome she thought had loved her,

She had loved,

She she had kissed,,

He had stolen,

What she so dearly missed,

But as the tears came to her eyes,

She had to say her goodbyes,


As her heart had yore,

She fell on her knees once more...

  • Author: - krystol - (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 6th, 2020 17:46
  • Comment from author about the poem: This is one of my favorite ones that I have written, I just hope yall like it to.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 13
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    ANGELA HERE - Good Evening KRYSTOL (Cool Name !) welcome to MPS - it is a PROACTIVE SITE and operates by reading - and commenting on each others Poems - OK. Thanks for your first poem - replete with Rhyme & Rhythm easy to read & recite. The hallmarks of Good Poetry. I love *Love Poems* but often they are melancholy ! In my experience of 12 years of dating (before I met Brian my Fiancee - when I was 28) a Ladies Heart is more easily broken (and stays broken longer) than a Mans ! My Heart was overwhelmed with Love but also (several times) BROKEN ! The experience was exactly as you describe it in your very elegant poem! BUT broken hearts do slowly recover and I took a chance with love once again'. When I (28) met Brian (33) three years ago - the quality of LOVE we shared was very different. We are getting married in April and I really know that neither of our hearts will ever be broken again ! Thanks for caring & sharing - more poems please !

    Blessings & Peace & Joy
    Yours Angela ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿค๐Ÿงก
    Please check our site - Thanks !
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    • krystol_1144

      I understand!! And congratulations on getting married!!๐Ÿ‘ and thank you, people always end up misspelling my name, lol, and thank you, that poem is one of my favorite, but I wrote it awhile back, I usually write a mix of sad, and also motivational poems to, and happy.

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