Crawling through the darkness. The smell of rotting flesh lingering about. Cries of agony and pain. Darkness consuming the very reality of light. No sense of souls can I feel, but numberless cries of lost entities without vitality. The screams rapidly begin to rumble throughout the emptiness. My fear burns in intensity while they gradually begin to creep there way towards me. Until they reach the edge of my ear leaving my hair singed from the burning hatred emitted. They speak in unison with a demonic melody piercing deep into my heart. "Your sins will not be forgiven, and you will burn in hell on earth" they said. The cycle of torment repeats itself and the screams do not cease. "let me be in peace" I call out! Laughs begin multiplying in the shadows as a figure appears beside me whispering. . . . "You'll never be at peace my boy, you will suffer in anguish and torture as we all do." Yes. Darkness must be my truth, as I have been here years rotting into the shadows within. Yes. This must be my punishment for my sins.
dominick beltran (
- Published: March 12th, 2020 09:34
- Comment from author about the poem: I apologize if my grammar is all over the place. This poem is about your past sins/wrongdoings that affect you within. Its a descriptive poem expressing what some people feel about the wrong they've done. Not being able to forgive themselves or suffering because of it. Its all the inside voices that like to keep you trapped and the darkness is our subconscious that affects our everyday lives. However this poem aligns with how I felt for years. Not being able to forgive myself and punishing myself everyday losing hope and falling deeper into the darkness. I encourage everybody to forgive themselves for things they've done wrong! You are not that person and we all make mistakes no matter how small or big. The point is that you can change the future and not not the past, so why make it harder by focusing on the past?
- Category: Sad
- Views: 28
The hellish setting reminded me of Lovecraft and Poe's darkest reveries. I agree wth your message, though it is easier said than done.
I agree definitely easier said than done. Thank you for the feedback.
It does not matter what anyone else says, thinks or does about your past because the thoughts and feelings are yours alone. I t is only you who can bring peace to yourself and in time you will.
Deep inside you there is the real god. Not the god of some ancient book or people who shout from pulpits but the god of love and creation. You will find that this god is willing to love you and all around you. You have already grown and this is self evident from your writing. So you are a bigger, stronger thing than you were. Let the world see that and you will find you can relax into being that.
Yes yes very true, thank you for the encouraging words!
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