
Rein Armstrong

Blackbird why do you stay?
With wings so elegant,
You can sore high and mighty.
Leave us, breaking, delicate.
Why not use those wings to escape?

A world like a cookie,
Sweet and crumbling,
Short lasted and soon disappeared.
Yet you stay, fumbling,
Hoping to provide salvation.

Do you not realise your cause is lost?
No one cares for the extinct,
As soon, you’ll just be a bird in a shoebox.
It will be over soon, you blinked,
Now we have gone, all flown the nest.

You too can leave the wreckage,
Yet with your hope,
You will set out to make a change.
Be like the Pope,
Lead us to salvation.

Show us the promised land and together we will leave,
Fly Blackbird, fly, show us who to believe.

  • Author: Rein Armstrong (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 14th, 2020 11:17
  • Comment from author about the poem: This one is about those with privilege and their potential to leave others but when they stay they can make a change, even if no one listens.
  • Category: Nature
  • Views: 21
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  • dusk arising

    The pope being the figurehead of the most wealthy organisation in the world (the roman catholic church) isn't leading anybody anywhere other than to making more monetary profit. Although he has led some to the truth that the catholic church FINALLY begins to apoligise for its peadophile past.
    It's all there on google by the way.

    Maybe a good idea not to join a flock (flock = a collective for sheep - not the brightest of animals) and be led but to become a free thinker and find the true god not one of the man made ones.

    • Rein Armstrong

      all honesty, I just needed a word that rhymed with hope.
      also, there could be more to me using pope than just for that
      as well as this I'm talking more about catholicism being about peoples access into heaven through good deeds and the pope is an accurate portrayal of this.
      Finally, why put in the effort of undermining and mimicking me, that's not going to benefit anyone.
      But thank you for the constructive criticism I will take it into account.

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