Spirit Wings

Kurt Philip Behm

If you live long enough…

those things you missed

will again return


No longer wrapped

in layers of disguise


But flying on spirit wings

the Archangels have endowed



to the morning’s sunrise

—your exiting dawn


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2020)



Awaiting Breath


The incarnation of silence,

sound without tone


Words embody in the night

—crying to be known


(Dreamsleep: March, 2020)


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Comments +


  • Laura🌻


    Quite lovely indeed!
    Another tiramisù moment!
    Thank you for sharing.
    Stay safe my dear friend.🤗


    • Kurt Philip Behm

      Thanks Laura. Your namesake has been keeping me very busy.

      You stay safe up there in the Big City.


    • Laura🌻

      She’s relentless!🤗

      I’m doing my best to stay safe!
      Almost 4,000 cases in Brooklyn!

    • Amon

      this is worth sharing papa

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