I am Free


I'm tired

Of trying to be what you want me to be

I'm tired

Of the self destruction  of who I'm meant to be 

I won't

Allow it to further, I slam and lock all my doors! 

I will

Rebuild every inch you've destroyed of me

I am

Strong as I can be 

The darkness no longer consumes me

I  have broken free

I will no longer fear what life throws at me

There has always been a light inside of me

Blinded by the love that wasn't meant to be!

You have taken enough from me


  • Author: betwixt (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 26th, 2020 15:05
  • Comment from author about the poem: Hello, my name is Breahnna. This poem was brewed up today, it means a lot to me because today was the day I said goodbye to my ex, said goodbye to all the hurt and pain. Today is the day I will start to look at life with a new set of eyes, no more pain, no more self hate, no more darkness. I hope when you read this poem it will life your spirits!
  • Category: Surrealist
  • Views: 12
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    ANGELA HERE - HI BETWIXT - Welcome to MPS it is a proactive site & operates by reading & commenting on each others Poems - OK ! Love the resolve in your Poem - Ive had some septic relationships in my time and one is best rid of them. I never gave up on Men and met Brian three years ago (He was 33) and I was 28 ! He treated me as a Lady & behaved like a Gentleman ! We got Married 5 weeks ago (much scaled down Cermony due to COVID !) and have moved into our own Home. We are so Happy despite LOCKDOWN ! Every Blessing for the FUTURE. Please check our Site - Thanks.

    Blessings & Peace & Joy & Love
    Your ANGELA & BRIAN 💛💛💛

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