What We Do With Understanding


I have been there before.

I have seen what it is like to be poor.

So I thank the Lord,

that I am not any more.

It is not because,

I had a problem with being poor.

Rather the opposite for me.

No - I thank the Lord,

that I may now be able,

to share with others,

what I could not before.

As I reflect on my life for bit,

I am beyond grateful,

that the Lord had given the opportunity,

to see more than one side to life,

as I grew up.

I have lived poor and rich.

therefore, I have an understanding,

of the poor and rich,

the wealthy and the not so wealthy.

Not only because of this,

I am humbled.

What I write is what I write,

but I am made to live a humble life,

a sharing life,

an understanding life,

a sympathetic life,

and a loving life.

It is because I have been there before.

  • Author: Dion P. Crown (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 2nd, 2020 08:52
  • Comment from author about the poem: Notice that in this piece that is written about humility, I have used the word, 'I', more than a few times. That is just in good humor. Still, as I typed, 'what I write is what I write, but I am made to live a humble life...'. We must all live a Christlike life, and must never look down on others. Because in one way or another, we were all there once before. Live for the Lord. Love thy neighbor. Persistence is key
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 12
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    The important thing in a Persons Life
    Is not whether they are Rich or Poor
    But their RELATIONSHIP with GOD !

    Angela Here. Thanks for sharing your Testimony. I work in a big Hospital and it is important to observe how People Die especially of something unexpected lke an Accident or Heart Attack or COVID 19 ! The Rich die in misery because they have to leave their Riches all behind. The Christians die in Peace because their Treasures are all in Heaven waiting for them. Blessed in the EYES of the LORD is the Death of His Saints because He has prepared *A Place just for Them* AMEN !

    Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
    Love Angela & Brian 💛💛💛
    Pleae check our POEM - BLUEBELLS - Thanks

    • ForeverJesus7

      Thank you for your comment. I hope you enjoyed this piece.

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